Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Discover The Ancient Jewish Way of Praying the Bible

When I received CD of the month from Sid Roth last week, what a discovery from the interview with Wesley and Stacey Campbell on how to meditate the bible according ancient Jewish pattern of prayer 3500 years ago! and it's began with Joshua 1:8 when Yahweh spoke to Joshua to 'meditate' the book of the law day and night.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate (hâgâh) therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8 KJV)

The interesting part is the original Hebrew word for meditate in Joshua 1:8 is Hagah (H1897 הגה ). As I studied the word 'hagah' through e-sword, I found that Hagah is not only translated into meditate, but into 11 other english words. One of them was translated as roar (Isa 31:4) where the lion roaring (Hagah) on his prey. Hagah in Hebrew means to speak out loud, to utter-speak, to mutter, to roar or to groan!

I have witnessed a lady from Singapore, who went to Lakeland, Florida for 4 months, roaring on the scripture on Zec 4:6 under the anointing of the Holy Spirit in school of supernatural, Malacca.

Most of us are taught or perceived the concept of meditation is usually to utter-speak/pray the scripture silently and 'religiously', silent thinking or a mental process of reflection. This concept of meditation greatly differs from the ancient Jewish way of hagah. To hagah is actually to speak out loud the book of the law, the scripture. The book of Psalms was Israel's song book, which were sung aloud.

But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate (Hagah) day and night. (Psalm 1:2 KJVA)

It is because not every home has the torah scroll (scriptures), the ancient Jews would 'hagah' the scriptures by speaking out loud during gatherings at the temple.

According to Wesley, by speaking out loud the scripture repetition according to ancient Jewish way, you will experience the supernatural in your life. Allow for 30 minutes each day for praying the scripture (hagah). For example, you can hagah the Lord's prayer. You may find it difficult in the beginning, as you continue and speak out loud the scripture, customize the scripture to yourself, your family, ministries, health, prosperity , etc, praise and worship Him, you will soon enter into the realm of the spirit. He quoted the Smith Wigglesworth, 'we begin in the flesh, but end up in the spirit'


Prophetess Cassandra Lai said...

Thanks, Thomas.

Unknown said...

Learning much from your blog. Thank You. Do continue to share with us your revelation and your thoughts. God Bless. Cheryl

Smaine said...

This is amazing! The spirit was excited when i read your post! At CKRM we have been practising speaking out verses and people roared while the verses were spoken! Now I know why!! Amazing! Prasie the Lord! I am gg to watch the video...

Santify said...

That's a revolutionary way to meditate! Out of the heart the mouth speaks! So does meditation! Amen!

Thomas Ong said...

Dear Cassandra and Cheryl,
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6) May the Lord filled your heart with more of His revelation and truth. Do share with me any of your new discovery!

Thomas Ong said...

Dear Smaine and Santify, it's really a revolutionary way to meditate! Many of us has lost the art of meditation. We should back to 'original'.

Heart n Hands Inc. said...

Hello Bro. Thomas!

I just found your blog- through Thaddaeus who follows mine! I shall be back to visit1 I am blessed to see the Spirit moving in Malaysia. GOD BLESS YOU. Was surprised to see "groan" as one of the definitions- which then would (in my mind) mean intercession. Guess I never looked it up in e-sword ( I was blessed to see you use e-sword too!) What a small world when we realize we are all connected in someway- but EXPECIALLY those of us by HIS SPIRIT!

Blessings dear one.

Thomas Ong said...

Dear Heart and Hands Int'l Ministries,

Hallelujahh! There is no distance and time in the Glory Zone..

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